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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long is the season?
  • 3 months. The season will run from January 2023 to March 2023!

  • Each team will have 1 match per week.

How many matches?
  • 10 guaranteed regular season matches per team.

  • Additional playoff and championship matches for qualifying teams.

How many player per squad?
  • Up to 12 players per squad

  • Playing up to 10 players per match

Where will we play?
  • Indoor Turf Field

  • Specific location posted under "Information" tab

What if I don't have a full team?
  • Teams that do not have a full roster or individuals that do not have a team are encouraged to register.

  • Teams will have the opportunity to add free agent players and fill out their rosters.

How much does it cost?
  • $1200 per team

  • 12 players per roster (approximately $100/player)

Click below to register!

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